A World of Fun
Today we were at Epcot center and it was also clinic day! Which for the orchestra kids meant that we were getting a wake up call at 4:45 am. :) We got to breakfast before the buffet even opened and we had the whole hall to ourselves. :) My day was made by our lovely server at 6:10 because he told me that I could get a cup of coffee to go. :) !!Then we were off to our clinic which was absolutely fabulous. We went over a lot of musical topics that you don't always think about. We read through six Disney tunes and we got to play one of them and have a recording of it laid over onto the movie. It was such a cool experience to hear yourself on a movie that you watched over and over as a kid.
After our clinic we were set free onto Epcot. We rode most of the rides within an hour and then we just roamed around all of the countries for the rest of the day! We certainly did a lot of walking but there was also a lot of eating and having fun too!
Disney world's total property is 43 square-miles. This is comparable to the country of Lichtenstein, which is only 62 square-miles.Cups of Coffee: 4 1/2
Total Steps: 21,723
1,000 White Lights in the IllumiNations Show out of 1,000 White Lights in the IllumiNations Show
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